Software packages alphaQED and pQCDAdler by F. Jegerlehner

The alphaQED package: new update August 18, 2023

ammbook  Fortran package alphaQED instruction: "alphaQED23.pdf"    see also:
QED, eff (s) for precision physics at the FCC-ee/ILC" Invited Talk, 11th FCC-ee workshop: Theory and Experiments, 8-11 January 2019, CERN Geneva.
Proceeding   published in   CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs Vol. 3 2020 [ arXiv:1905.05078]

  hadr5x23.f  [Standalone version of Δ αQEDhad(s): updated December 2023] see also the test routine testhadr5x.f 
adlerhadr5x23.f  [Standalone version for Adler function: updated December 2023] see also the test routine testadlerhadr5x.f 
hadr5x19.f  [Standalone version of Δ αQEDhad(s): updated December 2019] (for calculation of the hadronic contribution to αQED, eff (s) and α2, eff (s) )
alphaQEDc23.tar.gz  (for the effective fine structure constant α, the weak coupling α2 and sin2Θeff (s) );  
(provides also covariance matrix and intRdatx.f routine for integrating data with various kernels)

pQCDAdler: last update August 21, 2012

ammbook  "Fortran package pQCDAdler instructions: "pQCDAdler.pdf

  pQCDAdler.tar.gz  providing experimental data and routines for pQCD predictions.

F. Jegerlehner

Last modified: Thu Jul 04 22:49:54 CEST 2024